"EduScape: Landscape and Climate Change Adaptation in Education"

Il  progetto "Erasmus+ Key Action 2 - Cooperation among Organizations and Institutions project: EduScape: Landscape and Climate Change Adaptation in Education" è stato approvato e finanziato. Il progetto è coordinato dal Dipartimento di Architettura del Paesaggio della Facoltà di Architettura dell'Università Tecnica Ceca in partnership con la Technische Universität di Vienna, l'Università di Camerino, l'Universidad Rey Juan Carlos di Madrid, Spagna e con la Child Friendly City, una ONG ceca che si occupa di processi partecipativi/educativi con bambini e adolescenti. Il gruppo Unicam è, al momento, composto da: prof. Elio Trusiani (coordinatore Unicam staff), prof.ssa Rosalba d'Onofrio, Prof.ssa Roberta Cocci Grifoni, PhD students Giorgio Caprari e Ludovica Simionato e la Dott.sa Catia Re _______Would you also like to see more landscape in connection with climate change in children's education? We are delighted to announce that our Erasmus+ Key Action 2 - Cooperation among Organizations and Institutions project: EduScape: Landscape and Climate Change Adaptation in Education has been approved and we started working on it with our European partners. This useful project is coordinated by the Department of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Czech Technical University and they have partnered with Technische Universität in Vienna, Austria, Università degli Studi di Camerino in Italian Camerino, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain and a Czech partner - an NGO - dealing with participation of children and youth - Child Friendly City. We are hoping to have many fruitful discussions about the topic among the partners, but also multinational meetings and public discussions with both experts as well as the general public. What we look forward to in particular, is active work with children and their teachers. Complex educational materials will be an output of the project. These will help not only to bring the theme to schools but also to invite children outside, to build a relationship with their environment - their landscape. We will make sure to share the results of our efforts with you. Stay tuned! Should you be interested in learning more about the project or would you like to get engaged in it, please contact us at eduscape2022@gmail.com  
